Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Hunt...

Yes, Easter at the Morris' is quite the BIG DEAL!! Trey and Jack had their own egg hunt. Trey was completely into it this year running around searching for all the eggs! I think Jack was sidetracked by the soccer balls & goal. But it was a good thing we didn't try to combine egg hunts with the adults... fists go flying, jabbed ribs, you name it! (especially since they added money in the eggs!) We're also so glad my Grandpa felt good enough to come! We LOVE YOU Grandma & Grandpa! Later, the kids decided to go to town with the bubbles! Trey had this serious face while he blew the bubbles that kept cracking us up! It was fun to see Jack & Trey play together, what cute cousins! (& Val... I have a ton more pics so I will make you a cd.) Wait... and what are my sister and I doing in one of those pictures???? Don't ask! I swear there wasn't anything added in our drinks! I swear! :)


Haskins said...

SO cute!! I cant beleive how much you and your sister look so much a like!! Looks like trey had a lot fun!! I like your new background!

Lyndee said...

I would love to take your pictures! any time!

Lyndee said...

I don't have a studio so they would have to be in a house or outside. I know some fun places for outdoor ones but you might want to wait till it's a little warmer. The kids cooperate better that way! :)

Valerie said...

Love them! Yes, I definitely need a disk. And I'll get you one of all my pics, too. Ciao!

Ashlee said...

Cute picture of you and your sister, however the hand motions look vaguely familiar.... Trafalga a few years ago- does that ring a bell? Ha ha! We still have those pictures to use as blackmail! Luv ya and miss ya, Tyler, Ashlee & Carson

Shay said...

those boys sure are cute!!! way to go!

Wesley Warren said...

I miss your mom and dad's house so much! There was always just an overabundance of fun to be had there. I always thought that was because I brought the fun, but obviously I had nothing to do with it. It's just that Morris/Bushman charisma!
Your parents look spectacular! Trent is still hot, and you, Allison, are looking OK. Trey is so hilarious! I love it! And I always knew that any kid of yours would dress waaay better than I ever could.