Thursday, August 28, 2008

Education Week

It is the "Harris" family tradition to go to BYU's Education Week every year and Mandy was kind enough to invite me along when we were in high school! We would go to all the youth classes, skip those that we found boring or if their were cute boys around hang with them instead... (MANDY, I will use the term "hang" loosely) :) and then attend the youth dance at the end of the week! Don't forget the "score" comments and the pink animal cookies that were a must during the week! But we also found ourselves spirtually uplifted by the end! Just like the old days I attended a day with Mandy and her mom! And just like the old days we did skip a couple classes (to go shopping, by the way, my shirt and vest are SO cute!) and by the end, yes spiritually uplifted. Even if we went to a crazy class about our dendrites!

Thanks Mandy for my fun day!


Bell Blog said...

You are hilarious! I had so much fun learning about dendrites... (By that I mean shopping)So glad you came to Education Week... I am going to miss you! Love Ya! Score...

easleyfamily said...

So jealous! I love education week AND shopping! So much fun! When are you ;guys outta here?

Di said...

I've been meaning to go to Education week... but just never have. I've heard great things about it... some day...
You and Mandy look great.