Saturday, March 14, 2009

25 Weeks along...

I finally took some pregnant pictures! I feel so bad that I'm taking my first pregnant pics 6 months along. With Trey, I took one every month but I have been so busy this past 6 months that I haven't taken any. This pregnancy has been completely different than Trey's. I was pretty sick the first trimester - food in general was gross to me. The second trimester was great and now entering the 3rd, I'm still feeling pretty good. She sits a lot lower than Trey did and likes to bounce on my bladder so I constantly feel the urge to pee. She also has pinched a nerve several times that will literally drop me to my knees. But what is exciting is doing it all over again, especially feeling her kick and move around. It's amazing how much you bond with this little one before you even meet them! Only 3 months to go before my baby girl is due!


Lyndee said...

Cute pregnant pictures! :) I hope I look that good in three months. :) Sounds like you guys have had a crazy few months, congrats on selling your house so fast! that's awesome and I am totally jealous of your warm weather. :)

Di said...

I always thought you were the cutest pregnant girl I had ever seen when I saw you pregnant with Trey... you still are!

Heather said...

Good for you for playing catch up. Now that you're so far away you'll have to keep us updated on your life. I'm so glad you posted those belly pics. You have the cutest little belly! I can't believe how close you are getting to the end. Referring to the post below, you will be so amazed at how big Trey seems after the baby gets here. I remember thinking, "Where did my little one go?" I'm sure he will be such a great little helper. Take care...I'm jealous it's warm down there.